1985 General Fund
The 1985 General Fund is for general grants and to cover the foundation's overhead. It is what is known as the unrestricted fund. Lambda Alpha Upsilon entities and recognized student organizations from their respective campuses may apply for funding to support their mission and programs. Funding is limited and applications must be submitted during the open filing period. Please use the form below and answer all the questions pertaining to the grant request.
*We are currrently not accepting any applications until August 2024; In which the application period will be on a rolling basis throughtout the 2024-2025 school year*
Application Check List
Please submit a PDF document (Times New Roman, 12pt font) that answers the following prompt:
A brief cover letter on the organization’s letterhead signed by the head or designee confirming the organizational commitment to the project. (1 Page Max)
A narrative proposal (no more than 3 numbered pages) that includes:
A description of your organization’s background (mission, major activities, and credentials for carrying out the project);
A brief statement of the problem you seek to address;
A description of your plans to address the problem, including the project’s:
Goals and objectives;
Planned activities, including who will benefit and/or how policies, systems, or services will improve;
Expected outcomes and plan for measuring results.
An itemized project budget that reflects the full costs of carrying out the project (as opposed to just the amount requested). The budget should also list other pending and/or confirmed income to support the project, as well as any in-kind contributions. Please round up to the nearest tenth for all line items in the project budget; **
Your current year annual operating budget and, for arts and culture groups only, actual income and expenses for the most recently completed fiscal year.
For additional information and questions, please contact: programming@latinoamericaunida.org