Individual Donations - The Foundation is able to function due to the generous contributions of individuals that believe in the foundation’s mission. Individual donors can also make recurring contributions if they choose to do so. As Donors increase their contributions so does their status within the foundation.
Annual Levels - All levels of contribution are important to sustaining the operations of the foundations. Annual Giving Levels are designed to recognize an individual's (brother, friend, community member, etc.) calendar year giving. The total annual giving to all LAU Foundation approved funds will be used to determine the appropriate level of recognition.
General member who believes in helping others and supports the mission of the Foundation.
Donors whose energetic spirit has a strong passion for the foundation's mission.
These donors allow the foundation to come up with innovative programs that exemplify best practices.
Donor’s at this level have an immediate impact on the programs and efforts of the foundation.
Grand Patron
Our highest level, these donors have a passion for philanthropy. A true and unwavering endorser of the foundation
2024 Annual Giving Levels
Associates ($1+)
Aida Vichot
Aj Altagracia
Alexis Mercado
Amable Aristy
Amonica Robinson
Antony Reyes
Ashley Easley
Ashley Vargas
Barbara Lara-Rodriguez
Carlos Delcarmen
Carlos Escobedo
Casandra Goldstein Burton
Cecilia Najera
Christian Diaz
David Aguayo
David Macias
Dennis Giordani
Diandre Williams
Emilio Montanez
Emma Einhorn
Emmanuel Ortiz
Enrique Garay
Erick Lombardo
Gloria Canales
Henri Bonner
Hortencia Gonzalez
Iris Chal
Irving Castellanos
Jacqueline Machado
Jaden Dominguez
Jared Santos
Jarell Torres
Jean Marie Sanchez
Jesus Ruiz
Joaquin Castillo
Jocelyn Romero
Joe Zaiden
Johanna Burnam
Jonathan Cabrera
Jordan Harris
Jose Fernandez
Justin Lopez
Karen P Caudillo Roman
Karla Minaya Chal
Karla Leon
Kelly Chamo
Keron Phillip
Liliana Martinez
Lisette Pineda
Lowis Ortega
Lucas Martinez
Lucero De Jesus
Luis C Suzanna
Luis Zaldua
Marcos Fermin
Maria Fritz
Maria Pachon
Maribel Rodriguez
Marie Timpani
Maximillian Abrams
Melisa Salazar
Melissa Williams
Merrilla Parker
Michelle Rivas
Michelle Rodriguez
Monete Johnson
Nandi Brooks
Nehomy Zamarron
Phalla Kuy
Renzo Lobaton
Renzo Max Jauregui
Ricardo Vazques
Richelle Hermosillo
Roberto Andrade-Plaza
Roberto Jarquin
Samuel Jurcic
Sebastian Guzman
Sirena Macias
Stephen Patterson
Tarrah Little
Tesla Lacayo
Tina Jamulla
Tomas Garita
Tshalla Hernandez
Tumaryel Hayes
Valerie Borowski
Vanessa Perez
Veldia Jackson
Vindhya Kuchibhotla
Vito Marchese
Wazir Hasain
William Joel Bravo
Yselsa Martinez
Zaarela Palacios
Dynamo ($100+)
Alejandro Eusebio
Christian Rivas Plata
Devon Mirabal-Cardoso
Diana Rodriguez
Elizabeth Rodriguez
Felix Reyes
George Paniagua
Gissell Castillo
Ignacio Leon
Jacqueline Resto
Jose Rivera
Kenneth E Miller Iii
Korlin Scott
Lorenza Abrams
Malcolm Mcdaniel
Miguel Miranda
Robin Williams
Stephen Patterson
Innovators ($500)
Raysel Rojas
Humanitarian ($1000)
2023 Annual Giving Levels
Associates ($1+)
Aida Vichot
Alfredo Benavidez
Amable Aristy
Antony Reyes
Armando Rodriguez
Barbara Rodriguez
Carlos DelCarmen
Chloe Powell
Christina Burnam
Christopher J Taylor
Daniel Mejia
Danilo martinez
Dennis Giordani
Edith Chaparro
Elizabeth Almonte
Estela Ortiz
Gabriel Colon
Herminia Rodriguez
Jacqueline Resto
Jason Hernandez
Javier Montalvo
Jazmine Hernandez
Jeffrey Dar
Jeremias Hernandez
Johanna Burnam
Johary Valdez
Jonathan Cabrera
Jordan Harris
Joshua A Khan
Karla Minaya Chal
Layda Rodriguez
Liliana Martinez
Lilly Genao
Lisa Villalobos
Malcolm McDaniel
Maribel Rodriguez
Marie Timpani
Marisol Valencia
Matthew VanOLinda
Michael Diaz
Migdael Sainz
Miguel Trejo
Nico'las Ciprian
Noel Perez
Osman Yasin
Priscila Buono
Reyna Batista
Ricardo Vazques
Richelle Hermosillo
Rosa Rodriguez
Stephanie Gonzalez
Stephanie Reyes
Susanna Oquin
Teletha Penny
Tesla Lacayo
Tina Jamulla
Tshalla Hernandez
Tumaryel Hayes
Vanessa Perez
Wazir Hasain
William powell
Yesenia Rivera
Dynamo ($100+)
Alexandros Valiantis
Arismendis Altagracia
Betty Ventrice
Christopher Abrams
Ethan Lyons
Felix Reyes
Frances Hernandez
Geurys Perez
Gissell Castillo
Jarell Torres
Jesus Ruiz
Jonathan Perez
Knights of Colombus Valladolid Council #70
Luis C Suzanna
Marcos Fermin
Miguel Miranda
Nicholas Hui
Rachel Septimo
Shafin Zaman
William Joel Bravo
Innovators ($500)
Devon Mirabal
Raysel Rojas
Stephen Patterson
Humanitarian ($1000)